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Read Her Work!

Emily Cieslak

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I fell in love with magazines — and more specifically fashion — in the magazine aisle of the grocery store. Growing up, my mom would always drag me along shopping and the only way I stayed entertained was reading various publications. As I flipped through the glossy pages, the fluorescent lights faded into the lights of runway shows and international cities. I wasn’t merely absorbing trends; I was absorbing a whole different urban culture and lifestyle.


Since then, I obsessed over the idea of moving from Washington state to New York City to work in magazines. Needless to say, I watched The Devil Wears Prada on repeat. I felt like my dreams were starting to come true when I attended a Her Campus conference in NYC and heard Carley Roney, co-founder of The Knot, give a keynote. Little did I know that five years later I would be interning at her company through ASME.


I first heard about the ASME internship through my college, and thought it sounded like the perfect opportunity for my skills and ambitions. In between studying English and consumer

psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, I write for several student publications, being most involved with our fashion magazine, The WALK. Still, I had my doubts about whether I would make it and almost didn’t apply.


You can imagine my elation and gratitude when I found out I made it. I have to admit that when I first got the list of participating magazines, The Knot wasn’t at the top of my radar. But the longer I thought about my rankings, the more I realized how much of an innovator The Knot is, and I remembered Carley’s entrepreneurial energy. I can’t pretend the magazine world is in the same shape as when The Devil Wears Prada debuted, but The Knot is a driving force in new media.


The company culture blows me away. Every person in the office, from the CEO to the receptionist, is extremely driven and approachable. Writing about weddings, I have learned so

much about the industry, as well as seen so much of the city — from Kleinfeld Bridal to the New York Stock Exchange. The Knot truly cares about creating a priceless experience for interns, and the same goes for the ASME program in general. No matter where you end up, you aren’t just another intern in the office, you are part of the supportive ASME network.


Most importantly, I have learned what it takes to be a successful publication and journalist in the age of social media and digital content. I cannot wait to apply this knowledge back at school as

the editor-in-chief of The WALK and as I embark on my career.

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